I get two types of errors when I try to start or initiate the member function temp_controll
from the subclass Temperature_Controll
. The issue is that the while loops are started in a new thread.
I am having trouble passing the modbus client connection to the member function.
AttributeError: 'ModbusTcpClient' object has no attribute 'modbus'
I don't understand the problem in its entirety, because I assumed I would inherit modbus.client from the main class?
The second problem was, when I comment out rp and want to access a member function from the main class "database_reading", I get the following error:
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'database_reading'
How can I execute the subclass method via a second thread?
class Echo(WebSocket):
def __init__(self, client, server, sock, address):
super().__init__(server, sock, address)
self.modbus = client
def database_reading(self)
return data
class Temperature_Controll2(Echo):
def __init__(self, client):
super(Temperature_Controll, self).__init__(client)
self.modbus = client
def temp_controll(self, value):
while True:
rp = self.modbus.read_coils(524, 0x1)
def main():
with ModbusClient(host=HOST, port=PORT) as client:
print("Websocket server on port %s" % PORTNUM)
server = SimpleWebSocketServer('', PORTNUM, partial(Echo, client))
control = Temperature_Controll2.temp_controll
t2 = threading.Thread(target=control, args=(client, 'get'))
t1 = threading.Thread(target=server.serveforever())
if __name__ == "__main__":
This is a minimal example of my code, the thread t1 is executed without any problems. I have little experience with OOP programming, maybe someone here can help, thanks!
You get this error:
AttributeError: 'ModbusTcpClient' object has no attribute 'modbus'
because when the Thread
that you create:
t2 = threading.Thread(target=control, args=(client, 'get'))
calls Temperature_Controll2.temp_controll(client, 'get')
on this line: rp = self.modbus.read_coils(524, 0x1)
the self
is actually the client
variable you created here:
with ModbusClient(host=HOST, port=PORT) as client:
and is not an instance of Temperature_Controll2
that I assume you were expecting.