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How to regroup shapes by type after ungrouping them in PowerPoint with VBA

Following the excellent answer to my previous question, I am trying to make two groups, one made of shapes and one of textboxes, out of an original group of grouped pairs, each composed of a shape and a textbox. I tried creating two arrays, one for each category, by adapting the code from the answer to the previous question and looking at similar questions I found, like here, however what I came up is not working: the function called by the macro stops at the last step (when I try to group the array i.e. Set GroupedShapes = oSlide.shapes.Range(ShapeArray).Group) with error -2147024809 (80070057)': Shapes(uknown member): Illegal value. Bad type: expected ID array of Variants, Integers, Longs, or Strings. I tried leaving blank brackets --> Set GroupedShapes = oSlide.shapes.Range(ShapeArray()).Group as from what I understand something is missing in there, but I get the same error, nor does ...Range(ShapeArray(1 to .shpRng))... work as I receive the prompt I should separate values by a comma. However, I am not even sure that if this is fixed the rest will actually work. Could someone please advise?

Sub GiveNamesToShapes()
    Dim oSlide As slide
    Set oSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(ActiveWindow.View.slide.SlideIndex)
    Dim shp As Shape
    For Each shp In oSlide.shapes
        If shp.Type = msoGroup Then
            NameGroup shp
        End If
    Next shp
End Sub

Function NameGroup(ByVal oShpGroup As Object) As Long
    Dim groupName As String, shp As Shape, shpRng As ShapeRange, txt As String

    Dim TextArray() As Variant 'these are the variables I created
    Dim ShapeArray() As Variant
    Dim GroupedShapes As Shape
    Dim GroupedText As Shape
    Dim i As Integer 'these are the variables I created
    Dim y As Integer
    Dim Shp_Cntr As Double
    Dim Shp_Mid As Double
    Dim ShapeLeft As Double
    Dim ShapeRight As Double
    Dim ShapeWidth As Double
    Dim ShapHeight As Double
    groupName =
    Dim oSlide As slide: Set oSlide = oShpGroup.Parent

    Set shpRng = oShpGroup.Ungroup
    For Each shp In shpRng
        If Not shp.Type = msoGroup Then
            If shp.TextFrame.HasText = msoTrue Then _
                txt = shp.TextFrame.TextRange.text
        End If
    Next shp
    For Each shp In shpRng
        If Not shp.Type = msoGroup Then
            If shp.TextFrame.HasText = msoFalse Then
                With shp
'here is the first array i created (shapes)
                    Dim indicesShapes() As Long, z As Long: ReDim indicesShapes(LBound(ShapeArray) To UBound(ShapeArray))
                        For i = LBound(ShapeArray) To UBound(ShapeArray)
                            For z = 1 To oSlide.shapes.Count
                                Set oSlide.shapes(z) = ShapeArray(i) 'Then indices(i) = j: Exit For
                            Next z
                        Next i

'up to here
                End With
                ShapeLeft = shp.Left
                ShapeTop = shp.Top
                ShapeWidth = shp.Width
                ShapeHeight = shp.Height
                Shp_Cntr = ShapeLeft + ShapeWidth / 2
                Shp_Mid = ShapeTop + ShapeHeight / 2
       = txt
                With shp
'this is the second Array (for textboxes)
                    Dim indicesText() As Long, p As Long: ReDim indicesText(LBound(TextArray) To UBound(TextArray))
                        For y = LBound(TextArray) To UBound(TextArray)
                            For p = 1 To oSlide.shapes.Count
                                Set oSlide.shapes(p) = TextArray(y) 'Then indices(i) = j: Exit For
                            Next p
                        Next y

'up to here

                .TextFrame.WordWrap = False
                .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
                .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignCenter
                .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
                .Left = Shp_Cntr - .Width / 2
                .Top = Shp_Mid - Height / 2
                End With
            End If
        End If
    Next shp
'here is where I try to group the items in the arrays and I get the error
    Set GroupedShapes = oSlide.shapes.Range(ShapeArray).Group
    Set GroupedText = oSlide.shapes.Range(TextArray).Group
End Function

EDIT: I have just tried the below, but I get Type mismatch

    Set GroupedShapes = oSlide.shapes.Range(indicesShapes(ShapeArray)).Group
    Set GroupedText = oSlide.shapes.Range(indicesText(TextArray)).Group


I went back to the answer I am referring to and realized I did not add the loop to ungroup to the "core", that is till there are no groups left. I then changed the order of the arrays and placed them after this, naively thinking that by doubling the variables for shapes and textboxes I would get the expected result, but the first pair of shapes only gets ungrouped. The idea I had was to get the ids of shapes and textboxes, so they would be grouped accordingly, however the below stops at the first pair despite the loop I have added until there are groups so the last line Set GroupedText = oSlide.shapes.Range(indicesText).Group gives error saying that in the shape range there must be at least two objects.

Sub GiveNamesToShapes()
    Dim oSlide As slide
    Set oSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(ActiveWindow.View.slide.SlideIndex)
    Dim shp As Shape
    For Each shp In oSlide.shapes
        If shp.Type = msoGroup Then
            NameGroup shp
        End If
    Next shp
End Sub

Function NameGroup(ByVal oShpGroup As Object) As Long
    Dim groupName As String, shp As Shape, shpRng As ShapeRange, txt As String
    Dim TextArray() As Variant
    Dim ShapeArray() As Variant
    Dim GroupedShapes As Shape
    Dim GroupedText As Shape
    groupName =
    Dim oSlide As slide: Set oSlide = oShpGroup.Parent

    Set shpRng = oShpGroup.Ungroup
    For Each shp In shpRng
        If Not shp.Type = msoGroup Then
            If shp.TextFrame.HasText = msoTrue Then _
                txt = shp.TextFrame.TextRange.text
        End If
    Next shp
    For Each shp In shpRng
        If Not shp.Type = msoGroup Then
            If shp.TextFrame.HasText = msoFalse Then

       = txt

            End If
        End If
    Next shp
    Dim Shapeids() As Long, i As Long: ReDim Shapeids(1 To shpRng.Count): i = 1
    Dim Textids() As Long, y As Long: ReDim Textids(1 To shpRng.Count): y = 1
    For Each shp In shpRng
            Do While shp.Type = msoGroup  'I added this loop to ungroup recursively, but it does not go through all groups, it works only on the first one               
                            Call NameGroup(shp)
            If shp.TextFrame.HasText = msoTrue Then
                    Textids(y) = y = y + 1
            ElseIf shp.TextFrame.HasText = msoFalse Then
                    Shapeids(i) = i = i + 1
            End If
    Next shp
    Dim Textindices() As Long, p As Long: ReDim Textindices(LBound(Textids) To UBound(Textids))
        For y = LBound(Textids) To UBound(Textids)
            For p = 1 To oSlide.shapes.Count
                If oSlide.shapes(p).id = Textids(y) Then Textindices(y) = p: Exit For
            Next p
        Next y
    Dim Shapeindices() As Long, z As Long: ReDim Shapeindices(LBound(Shapeids) To UBound(Shapeids))
        For i = LBound(Shapeids) To UBound(Shapeids)
            For z = 1 To oSlide.shapes.Count
                If oSlide.shapes(z).id = Shapeids(i) Then Shapeindices(i) = z: Exit For
            Next z
        Next i
    Set GroupedShapes = oSlide.shapes.Range(Shapeindices).Group 'here it stops and it says there must be two objects to make a group, only the first pair is ungroupd (the primary, big group containing all is gone) while all oteher pairs are still grouped

    Set GroupedText = oSlide.shapes.Range(Textindices).Group 
End Function

As is

enter image description here

Expected Result

enter image description here


  • A colleague of mine always tells me to use F8 to se what macros do, and all the above shows clearly I did not do it. Not enough. I realized I was trying to group the items while in the function, when in fact this should have occurred in the macro itself, after the ungrouping. I took inspiration from this answer (keeping in mind the comment right below it: shapes must have different names) and now everything is working as expected.

    One thing I do not understand: at the line Debug.Print the Immediate Window says Microsoft Excel, but I am running this in PowerPoint and Excel is closed.

    Sub GiveNamesToShapes_Center_AndThenRegroup()
        Dim oSlide As slide
        Set oSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(ActiveWindow.View.slide.SlideIndex)
        Dim x As Long
        Dim sTemp As String
        Dim ShapeList() As String
        Dim ShapeCount As Long
        Dim TextList() As String
        Dim TextCount As Long
        Dim shp As Shape
        For Each shp In oSlide.shapes
            If shp.Type = msoGroup Then
                NameGroup shp
            For x = 1 To oSlide.shapes.Count
                If oSlide.shapes(x).TextFrame.HasText = msoFalse Then
                    ShapeCount = ShapeCount + 1
                    TextCount = TextCount + 1
                End If
            Next x 'EDIT 2022/11/24 --> I added 'x' as with crowded groups coming from SVG files the part above ''If shp.Type = msoGroup Then'' was being skipped
            ReDim ShapeList(1 To ShapeCount)
            ReDim TextList(1 To TextCount)
            ShapeCount = 0
            TextCount = 0
            For x = 1 To oSlide.shapes.Count
                If oSlide.shapes(x).TextFrame.HasText = msoFalse Then
                    ShapeCount = ShapeCount + 1
                    ShapeList(ShapeCount) = oSlide.shapes(x).name
                    TextCount = TextCount + 1
                    TextList(TextCount) = oSlide.shapes(x).name
                End If
            Next x 'EDIT 2022/11/24 --> I added 'x' as with crowded groups coming from SVG files the part above ''If shp.Type = msoGroup Then'' was being skipped
            If UBound(ShapeList) > 0 Then
            End If
            If UBound(TextList) > 0 Then
            End If
            End If
        Next shp
    End Sub
    Function NameGroup(ByVal oShpGroup As Object) As Long
        Dim groupName As String, shp As Shape, shpRng As ShapeRange, txt As String
        Dim Shp_Cntr As Double
        Dim Shp_Mid As Double
        Dim ShapeLeft As Double
        Dim ShapeTop As Double
        Dim ShapeWidth As Double
        Dim ShapeHeight As Double
        groupName =
        Dim oSlide As slide: Set oSlide = oShpGroup.Parent
        Set shpRng = oShpGroup.Ungroup
        For Each shp In shpRng
            If Not shp.Type = msoGroup Then
                If shp.TextFrame.HasText = msoTrue Then _
                    txt = shp.TextFrame.TextRange.text
            End If
        Next shp
        For Each shp In shpRng
            If Not shp.Type = msoGroup Then
                If shp.TextFrame.HasText = msoFalse Then
           = txt
                    ShapeLeft = shp.Left
                    ShapeTop = shp.Top
                    ShapeWidth = shp.Width
                    ShapeHeight = shp.Height
                    Shp_Cntr = ShapeLeft + ShapeWidth / 2
                    Shp_Mid = ShapeTop + ShapeHeight / 2
                    With shp
                           = "Textbox " & txt
                        .TextFrame.WordWrap = False
                        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
                        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignCenter
                        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
                        .Left = Shp_Cntr - (.Width / 2)
                        .Top = Shp_Mid - (.Height / 2)
                    End With
                End If
            End If
        Next shp
        Dim ids() As Long, i As Long: ReDim ids(1 To shpRng.Count): i = 1
        For Each shp In shpRng
            If shp.Type = msoGroup Then
                 NameGroup shp
            End If
        Next shp
    End Function