I installed MLRun to the docker and I got
Error invoking remote method 'docker-start-container': Error: (HTTP code 500) server error - driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint desktopdockertools-mlrun-api-1 (a5a67db8a74bf4981d44477ffb77dccb25d2401d8fdd95c64262de30ed6d1a56): Bind for failed: port is already allocated
Do you have any experience?
I installed different MLRun versions with Jupyter (usage compose.with-jupyter.yaml) and without Jupyter (compose.yaml), but I still see the same issue. I made installation based on https://docs.mlrun.org/en/latest/install/local-docker.html#install-local-docker.
It happened based on more MLRun installations, where first installation allocated requested port 8080 and other installations failed. The work-arround is:
If you need to use more MLRuns (e.g. with jupyter and without jupyter), you have to change ports in YAML files.