Below is the vault output generated by the vault command
vault kv get kv/Env | jq
"request_id": "8498e5e4-050a-51e9-deaf-64a06a0",
"lease_id": "",
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"data": {
"data": {
"test": "test123",
"test1": "test1234"
"metadata": {
"created_time": "2022-11-17T12:2214.93229792Z",
"custom_metadata": null,
"deletion_time": "",
"destroyed": false,
"version": 1
"warnings": null
I am unable to find a way to get only test and test1 and set as environmental variable in powershell. The issue is I would like to extract only test and test1, but it is under data/data which is like sublist and unable to find a way to extract it. Kindly help
I had provided the paths to delete as below but not sure if its efficient way to loop through
vault kv get kv/Env | jq 'del(.data.metadata, .request_id, .lease_id, .lease_duration, .renewable, .warnings)'
I would like to get the output something like below which I can loop through and set as variable.
You can acess the nested object with
. You can convert an object into a list of key-value pairs with to_entries
. Then it is only a matter of joining:
vault ... | jq -r ' | to_entries[] | join("=")'