I'm trying to pass something like this in clojure
(def pg-uri {:connection-uri "jdbc:postgresql://user:password@host.aws-us-west-2.cockroachlabs:12345/defaultdb?sslmode=verify-full&options=--cluster%3Dfoobar"})
(defn query [q]
(let [conn (j/get-connection pg-uri)]
(j/query pg-db q))
(query (-> (select :*) (from :user) (sql/format)))
but am getting ; Execution error (SocketTimeoutException) at sun.nio.ch.NioSocketImpl/timedFinishConnect (NioSocketImpl.java:539). ; Connect timed out
I was wondering how I can fix this. I'm able to connect just fine using another client. Thank you
In JDBC URLs (at least, in the jdbc:postgresql:
ones), the password and the username must be specified as parameters and not in front of the server:
{"sslmode" "verify-full",
"PGDBNAME" "defaultdb",
"PGPORT" "12345",
"PGHOST" "host.aws-us-west-2.cockroachlabs",
"password" "password",
"options" "--cluster=foobar",
"user" "user"}