How do I parse a variable which is either the string "True" or non-existent into a boolean?
I'm trying to pass the value of the predefined azure pipeline variable "system.debug" into a pwsh script as the argument to a switch parameter. I've tried both of these approaches:
Both of these approaches work when the "Enable system diagnostics" option is checked. It gets a value of "True" which I then must parse. However, if not checked the System.Debug variable doesn't exist at all, not false or null. This makes my parse fail below:
$isDebug = $false
$isDebug = $$(System.Debug)
+ $isDebug = $$(System.Debug)
+ ~
Unexpected token '(' in expression or statement.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken
I was able to check if the environment variable exists with get-environmentVariable and if it does use the value, otherwise don't pass the switch parameter at all.
if([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('SYSTEM_DEBUG') -ne $null){
write-host "SYSTEM_DEBUG: $(system.debug)"
./myscript.ps1 -isDebug:([boolean]$($env:SYSTEM_DEBUG))
else {
write-host "SYSTEM_DEBUG was not set"