I have a functioning Robot Framework test that scrapes the elements of a page and returns the link text. My problem is, some of these fields are empty and some of them have text. I do not care what the text is, however. This is an example of the output I get:
In this case, I would only want the program to return items 2 and 3, and not Log item 1. Here is my code to achieve this right now.
${Count}= Get Element Count //a
Log To Console Total= ${Count} \n
FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 1 ${Count}-1
${text}= Get Text xpath=(//a)[${INDEX}]
${href}= Run Keyword And Return Status Get Element Attribute xpath=(//a)[${INDEX}] @href
Run Keyword If ${href} Log To Console ${INDEX}. "Link Text=" ${text}
... ELSE Log To Console NONE
So this does give me a pass, and I do get the link text I'm asking for. I just need to take out the blank entries. I know my loop is functional, but I can't figure out how to parse the blank fields. How can I do this? Any ideas? Please let me know, thanks so much!
In these situations I usualy use Get Length
and test if greater than zero.
Here is your modified example:
${Count}= Get Element Count //a
Log To Console Total= ${Count} \n
FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 1 ${Count}-1
${text}= Get Text xpath=(//a)[${INDEX}]
${size}= Get Length ${text}
${href}= Run Keyword And Return Status Get Element Attribute xpath=(//a)[${INDEX}] @href
Run Keyword If ${href} and ${size} > 0 Log To Console ${INDEX}. "Link Text=" ${text}
... ELSE Log To Console NONE