As this should be purely functional I put together this limiter class (as of now it might contain bugs since I couldn't use it yet but you get the idea). But how do I actually use it? I went ahead and tried to write a client middleware as per http4s' documentation but the types just don't work out, IIUC for middleware I should use
but I can't suspend that code in IO.
class Limiter(using clock: Clock[IO])(
private val requestsLeft: IO[AtomicCell[IO, Int]],
private val resetAt: IO[AtomicCell[IO, FiniteDuration]]
def update(currentRequestsLeft: Int, currentResetAt: Int) =
requestsLeft <- requestsLeft
resetAt <- resetAt
_ <- requestsLeft.set(currentRequestsLeft)
_ <- resetAt.set(FiniteDuration(currentResetAt, SECONDS))
yield ()
def delay[T](effect: IO[T]) =
val delay = for
requestsLeft <- requestsLeft.flatMap(_.get)
resetAt <- resetAt.flatMap(_.get)
currentTime <- clock.realTime
delay <- if requestsLeft <= 0 then IO.sleep(resetAt - currentTime) else IO.unit
yield delay
delay >> effect
end delay
end Limiter
final edit: working version, if anyone comes accross this later looking for help
class Throttler(using clock: Clock[IO])(
private val requestsLeft: Ref[IO, Long],
private val resetAt: Ref[IO, FiniteDuration]
def update(currentRequestsLeft: Int, currentResetAt: Long) =
_ <- requestsLeft.set(currentRequestsLeft)
_ <- resetAt.set(currentResetAt.seconds)
yield ()
def throttle() =
requestsLeft <- requestsLeft.get
resetAt <- resetAt.get
currentTime <- clock.realTime
_ <- IO.println(s"remaining as seen by throttle: ${requestsLeft}")
delay <- if requestsLeft <= 0
then IO.println(s"throttling until ${resetAt}") >> IO.sleep(resetAt - currentTime)
else IO.println("not throttling")
yield delay
end Throttler
def throttledClient(underlying: Client[IO], throttler: Throttler) = Client[IO] { request => { response =>
remaining <- response.headers.get(ci"x-rate-limit-remaining").flatMap(_.head.value.toIntOption)
resetAt <- response.headers.get(ci"x-rate-limit-reset").flatMap(_.head.value.toLongOption)
yield (remaining, resetAt)