In old versions of typo3 this code worked but in latest version v11 it doesn't.The problem is that "this" value defined as "startingpoint" doesn't return current page id anymore.
lib.pageNews = USER
lib.pageNews {
userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run
extensionName = News
pluginName = Pi1
vendorName = GeorgRinger
switchableControllerActions {
News {
1 = list
settings < plugin.tx_news.settings
settings {
startingpoint = this
recursive = 99
templateLayout = 100
hidePagination = 0
#limit = 10
detailPid = 1075
list.paginate.itemsPerPage = 20
What is the "new" way to achieve this?
I tried to call that id in multiple ways like: TSFE:id, lib.currentPageId, TSFE:page|id, TSFE:page|uid, {TSFE:uid}, {TSFE:id}, getTSFE().id, .....
That is possible by using useStdWrap
lib.pageNews {
settings {
useStdWrap = startingpoint
startingpoint {
data = TSFE:id