How can I change the value of text in Label on the 2nd screen by pressing a Button on the 1st screen?
In my example, I have 2 screens, on the first there are 3 buttons; one should change the text to "1st text", second should change the text to "2nd text" and the third is used to move between these two screens.
On the second screen, there is a Label which text should be changed by pressing the buttons. Then, there is also the button used to move to the first screen.
My .py looks like:
import kivy
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen, FadeTransition
from import App
class Screen1(Screen):
class Screen2(Screen):
class Select_text(App):
def build(self):
sm = ScreenManager(transition=FadeTransition())
sm.add_widget(Screen1(name = "scr1"))
sm.add_widget(Screen2(name = "scr2"))
return sm
app = Select_text()
My .kv seems like:
id: scr1
orientation: "vertical"
pos: self.pos
size: self.size
source: "Background.png"
id: change_to_1
pos: (root.width-self.width)/2, 400
size: 1200, 200
size_hint: None, None
text: "Change the text on the 2nd screen to »1st text«"
#on_press: (I don‘t know what should be there)
id: change_to_2
pos: (root.width-self.width)/2, 800
size: 1200, 200
size_hint: None, None
text: "Change the text on the 2nd screen to »2nd text«"
#on_press: (I don‘t know what should be there)
id: go_to_other_screen
pos: (root.width-self.width)/2, 1400
size: 600, 200
size_hint: None, None
text: "Go to other screen"
on_press: root.manager.current = "scr2"
id: scr2
orientation: "vertical"
pos: self.pos
size: self.size
source: "Background.png"
id: text
text: "Text which should be changed"
pos: (root.width-self.width)/2, 800
size: 600, 200
id: go_to_other_screen
pos: (root.width-self.width)/2, 1400
size: 600, 200
size_hint: None, None
text: "Go to other screen"
on_press: root.manager.current = "scr1"
I tried to search on the internet, but it didn't solve the main issue. Thanks for any answer.
In the kv file call a function in the screen 1 class. You can then use the get_screen function to access the other screen and change its text in that function.
Would probably look something like: (in the kv file)
on_press: root.functionname()
(main python file)
def functionname(self):
self.manager.get_screen('scr2').ids.text.text = "whatever you want here"
May i also suggest changing the id of the text ur changing to something else, because it looks a bit confusing with ids.text.text
For more info about the get_screen function if you are confused about that