It isn't difficult to find information on the big-O time behavior of stl container operations. However, we operate in a hard real-time environment, and I'm having a lot more trouble finding information on their heap memory usage behavior.
In particular I had a developer come to me asking about std::unordered_map. We're allowed to be non-realtime at startup, so he was hoping to perform a .reserve() at startup time. However, he's finding he gets overruns at runtime. The operations he uses are lookups, insertions, and deletions with .erase().
I'm a little worried about that .reserve() actually preventing later runtime memory allocations (I don't really understand the explanation of what it does wrt to heap usage), but .erase() in particular I don't see any guarantee whatsoever that it won't be asking the heap for a dynamic deallocation when called.
So the question is what's the specified heap interactions (if any) for std::unordered_map::erase, and if it actually does deallocations, if there's some kind of trick that can be used to avoid them?
The standard doesn't specify container allocation patterns per-se. These are effectively derived from iterator/reference invalidation rules. For example, vector::insert
only invalidates all references if the number of elements inserted causes the size of the container to exceed its capacity. Which means reallocation happened.
By contrast, the only operations on unordered_map
which invalidates references are those which actually remove that particular element. Even a rehash (which likely allocates memory) does not invalidate references (this is why reserve
changes nothing).
This means that each element must be stored separately from the hash table itself. They are individual nodes (which is why it has a node_type
extraction interface), and must be able to be allocated and deallocated individually.
So it is reasonable to assume that each insertion or erasure represents at least one allocation/deallocation.