I have this dataset in R:
id = 1:5
col1 = c("12 ABC", "123", "AB", "123344567", "1345677.")
col2 = c("gggw", "12", "567", "abc 123", "p")
col3 = c("abw", "abi", "klo", "poy", "17df")
col4 = c("13 AB", "344", "Huh8", "98", "b")
my_data = data.frame(id, col1, col2, col3, col4)
id col1 col2 col3 col4
1 1 12 ABC gggw abw 13 AB
2 2 123 12 abi 344
3 3 AB 567 klo Huh8
4 4 123344567 abc 123 poy 98
5 5 1345677. p 17df b
I then used the following code to check to see if a specific cell contains AT LEAST one number:
my_data$col1_check = grepl("\\d", my_data$col1)
my_data$col2_check = grepl("\\d", my_data$col2)
my_data$col3_check = grepl("\\d", my_data$col3)
my_data$col4_check = grepl("\\d", my_data$col4)
id col1 col2 col3 col4 col1_check col2_check col3_check col4_check
1 1 12 ABC gggw abw 13 AB TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE
2 2 123 12 abi 344 TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE
4 4 123344567 abc 123 poy 98 TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE
5 5 1345677. p 17df b TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE
What I am trying to do, is for each row : I would like to take all columns in which the value is FALSE, and paste (with a space) the contents of these columns into a single cell.
This would look something like this:
id new_col
1 1 gggw abw
2 2 abi
3 3 AB klo
4 4 poy
5 5 p b
I have been trying to read about "conditional concatenation" (e.g. conditional concatenation in R), but so far nothing I have read matches the problem I am working on.
Can someone please suggest what to do from here?
Here is one option in tidyverse
- loop across
the columns col1 to col4, get
the corresponding value from the logical column by paste
ing the _check
on the column names (cur_column()
), convert the TRUE values to NA in case_when
and unite
those columns to new_col
my_data %>%
transmute(id, across(col1:col4,
~ case_when(!get(str_c(cur_column(), "_check"))~ .x))) %>%
unite(new_col, col1:col4, sep = " ", na.rm = TRUE)
id new_col
1 1 gggw abw
2 2 abi
3 3 AB klo
4 4 poy
5 5 p b
If we want to skip creating the _check
, it will be easier as we can directly convert the elements that are not needed to NA
and unite
my_data %>%
~ case_when(str_detect(.x, "\\d+", negate = TRUE) ~.x))) %>%
unite(new_col, col1:col4, sep = " ", na.rm = TRUE)
id new_col
1 1 gggw abw
2 2 abi
3 3 AB klo
4 4 poy
5 5 p b
Or using base R
cbind(my_data[1], new_col = gsub("\\s{2,}", " ",
trimws(do.call(paste, replace(my_data[2:5],
as.matrix(my_data[6:9]), '')))))
id new_col
1 1 gggw abw
2 2 abi
3 3 AB klo
4 4 poy
5 5 p b