put returns between paragraphs
for linebreak add 2 spaces at end
italic or bold
indent code by 4 spaces
backtick escapes like _so_
quote by placing > at start of line
to make links (use https whenever possible)
You could have another session that stores the answers as an array, and add to it after each successful post
Something like this could work:
$totalQuestions = count($ques);
$_SESSION['answers'] = $_SESSION['answers'] ?? [];
// Get current question, default to 1
$currentQuestion = count($_SESSION['answers']) == $totalQuestions ?
$totalQuestions :
$_SESSION['answers'] + 1;
<div class='questionHeader'>
<label>Question <?php echo $currentQuestion ?> of <?php echo $totalQuestions ?></label>
<div class='question'>
<?php echo $ques[$currentQuestion-1] ?>
Answer: <input type='text' id='answerOneSub' name='answerOneSub'>
<button type='submit' value='submit' name='submit'>Submit!</button>
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$_SESSION['answers'][] = $_POST['answerOneSub'];
echo "<br>" . $_SESSION['answerOneSub'];