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Why is quanteda lookup resulting in 100% sparsity but the data is there

I have created a dictionary in quanteda and prepared my corpus etc. I have wordclouds and textstat_frequencies, so I can see the text data I'm trying to match is there.

However, when I run dtm, I get some hits, but on dfm_lookup I repeatedly get 100% sparsity. What am I doing wrong?

doc <- data.frame(symptoms = c("patient trouble breathing", "breathlessness", "heart palpitations", 
                              "elevated troponin", "chest tightness, pericarditis", "patient drowsy, headaches, 
                            low bloood pressure", "tummy pain, vomiting", "heart attack", "edema, achypnea"))

# create corpus from main text
corp <- corpus(doc, text_field = 'symptoms')

# prerocessing: tokenise, lowercase, remove stopwords and punctuation and perform stemming
corp2 <- corp %>% 
  tokens(remove_punct = T, remove_numbers = T, remove_symbols = T) %>% 
  tokens_tolower() %>% 
# tokens_wordstem() # this won't suit for our dictionary, e.g. acute becomes acut, etc might re-appraise

dtm <- dfm(corp2)

# construct lexicon in a dataframe
terms <- structure(list(keywords = c("myocarditis", "pericarditis", "heart","heart-attack", "chest-pain", "tightness","tummy",
                                     "irritability", "vomiting", "tachypnea",   "achypnea", "tachypnoea",   
                                     "lethargy",    "drowsiness", "drowsy"),
                        topic = c("cardiac", "cardiac","cardiac", "cardiac","cardiac", "non_specific", "non_specific",
                                  "non_specific","non_specific","non_specific", "non_specific","non_specific",
                                  "children", "children","children")) ,class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -15L))
# convert to dictionary
lex <- split(terms$keywords, terms$topic)
lex <-  (dictionary(lex))                    

# tokenise and apply dict to prepared symptom corpus
head(dfm(tokens(corp2), dictionary = lex))

dtm <- dfm(tokens(corp2), dictionary = lex)

dtm_lu <- dfm_lookup(dtm, lex, valuetype = "glob") #* get 100% sparse ? , but not above?

# show unmatched
dfm_lookup(dtm, lex1, nomatch = "_UNMATCHED")

What is the difference between

dtm <- dfm(tokens(corp2), dictionary = lex)


dtm_lu <- dfm_lookup(dtm, lex, valuetype = "glob") 

What is dtm doing when you pass it both a corpus and a dictionary, is it maybe just joining them and that's why some results come back?


  • Use tokens_lookup() to apply the dictionary. dfm(x, dictionary = ...) is deprecated and should not be used. Always better to use tokens_lookup() because this matches multi-token values in the dictionary (although you had none).

    Also I simplified your code a bit.

    #> Package version: 3.2.3
    #> Unicode version: 14.0
    #> ICU version: 70.1
    #> Parallel computing: 10 of 10 threads used.
    #> See for tutorials and examples.
    corp <- corpus(c("patient trouble breathing", "breathlessness", "heart palpitations", 
                     "elevated troponin", "chest tightness, pericarditis", "patient drowsy, headaches, 
                      low bloood pressure", "tummy pain, vomiting", "heart attack", "edema, achypnea"))
    toks <- corp %>% 
      tokens(remove_punct = T, remove_numbers = T, remove_symbols = T) %>% 
      tokens_tolower() %>% 
    lex <- dictionary(list(keywords = c("myocarditis", "pericarditis", "heart","heart-attack", "chest-pain", "tightness","tummy",
                                        "irritability", "vomiting", "tachypnea",   "achypnea", "tachypnoea",   
                                        "lethargy",    "drowsiness", "drowsy"),
                           topic = c("cardiac", "cardiac","cardiac", "cardiac","cardiac", "non_specific", "non_specific",
                                     "non_specific","non_specific","non_specific", "non_specific","non_specific",
                                     "children", "children","children")))

    Now the key difference in the code from a functional standpoint:

    dfmat <- toks %>%
      tokens_lookup(dictionary = lex) %>%
    #> Document-feature matrix of: 9 documents, 2 features (66.67% sparse) and 0 docvars.
    #>        features
    #> docs    keywords topic
    #>   text1        0     0
    #>   text2        0     0
    #>   text3        1     0
    #>   text4        0     0
    #>   text5        2     0
    #>   text6        1     0
    #> [ reached max_ndoc ... 3 more documents ]