i have added a second 2 ssh keys and added the needed config in ubuntu WSL2 ~/.ssh
Host github-key2
HostName github.com
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/key2
so in UBUNTU this works:
git clone git@github-key2:vendor/repoxxx.git
But i need to geht this running in ddev with composer:
I added git@github-key2:vendor/repoxxx.git in the repositories section of composer in same Way i did it for other protected repos
"vendor/repoxxx": {
"type": "vcs",
"url": "git@github-key2:vendor/repoxxx"
ddev auth ssh (both keys where added)
but composer in DDEV just uses the normal "id_rsa" key but not the second "key2"
ddev composer req vendor/repoxxx
You'll need to put a .ssh/config file into the container. The normal way to do this is to put the .ssh/config that you need into homeadditions, either in the project or global homeadditions.
Docs on homeadditions are at https://ddev.readthedocs.io/en/latest/users/extend/in-container-configuration/
For some people, just symlinking or copying their host-side .ssh/config works, but for most situations you'll need a custom .ssh/config for use inside the container.