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ImageBitmap to canvas using Glide/Coil

I'm using a @Composable where I need to pass via parameter an ImageBitmap, the problem is that I get the images from the server given an url so I need to load these images, convert them into a Bitmap and then to a ImageBitmap but I'm quite stuck because I don't know how to convert this to an ImageBitmap, this is my @Composable

fun MyCanvas(
    myImage: ImageBitmap,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
) {
    Canvas(modifier = modifier
        .clip(RoundedCornerShape(size = 16.dp)) {

        val canvasWidth = size.width.toInt()
        val canvasHeight = size.height.toInt()
        val imageSize = IntSize(width = canvasWidth, height = canvasHeight)

            image = myImage, dstSize = imageSize

So, when I call this @Composable I need to load the image but not sure how to start with and I need to know what's better either using Glide or Coil.


  • You don't need ImageBitmap to draw it into Canvas. You can draw painter inside DrawScope. You don't even actually need Canvas function either. is nothing other than Spacer with Modifier.drawBehind

    fun Canvas(modifier: Modifier, onDraw: DrawScope.() -> Unit) =

    And answer to your question is

    private fun MyComposable() {
        val sizeModifier = Modifier
        val url =
            modifier =Modifier.fillMaxSize()
        ) {
          val painter =  rememberAsyncImagePainter(
                model = url
            Canvas(modifier = Modifier
                .clip(RoundedCornerShape(size = 16.dp))
                ) {
                    with(painter) {
                        draw(size = size)

    And when you apply Modifier.clip() you don't have to apply Modifier.clipToBounds()

    Both are the same thing with clip uses shape extra to clipToBounds

     * Clip the content to the bounds of a layer defined at this modifier.
    fun Modifier.clipToBounds() = graphicsLayer(clip = true)
     * Clip the content to [shape].
     * @param shape the content will be clipped to this [Shape].
    fun Modifier.clip(shape: Shape) = graphicsLayer(shape = shape, clip = true)