I am trying to sort tableData array acording to Thickness tableData(i,5). I tried in excel there is no problem but when ı try in Solidworks ı couldn't sort it. I checked for loop iteration in excel and solidworks there are some difference. Here is my code;
Dim temp0 As Double, temp1 As String, temp2 As Double, temp3 As String, temp4 As Double, temp5 As Double
For i = 0 To UBound(tableData, 1) - 1
For j = i + 1 To UBound(tableData, 1)
If tableData(i, 5) < tableData(j, 5) Then ' kalınlık
temp0 = tableData(j, 0)
temp1 = tableData(j, 1)
temp2 = tableData(j, 2)
temp3 = tableData(j, 3)
temp4 = tableData(j, 4)
temp5 = tableData(j, 5)
tableData(j, 0) = tableData(i, 0)
tableData(j, 1) = tableData(i, 1)
tableData(j, 2) = tableData(i, 2)
tableData(j, 3) = tableData(i, 3)
tableData(j, 4) = tableData(i, 4)
tableData(j, 5) = tableData(i, 5)
tableData(i, 0) = temp0
tableData(i, 1) = temp1
tableData(i, 2) = temp2
tableData(i, 3) = temp3
tableData(i, 4) = temp4
tableData(i, 5) = temp5
End If
Next j
Next i
I do not work in SolidWorks... But try the known QuickSort function:
Extremely fast 2D array sorting:
'To be called as QuickSort2D arr, 3 to sort Ascending
'To be called as QuickSort2D arr, , , False to sort Descending
Private Sub QuickSort2D(SortArray, Col As Long, Optional l As Long = -1, Optional r As Long = -1, Optional bAscending As Boolean = True)
Dim i As Long, j As Long, x, Y, k As Long
If IsEmpty(SortArray) Then Exit Sub 'the array is empty
If InStr(TypeName(SortArray), "()") < 1 Then Exit Sub 'the array is not valid
If l = -1 Then l = LBound(SortArray, 1) 'to avoid an error when giving value to X
If r = -1 Then r = UBound(SortArray, 1) 'to avoid an error when giving value to X
If l >= r Then Exit Sub 'no sorting needed, anymore
i = l: j = r
x = SortArray((l + r) / 2, Col) 'VBA automatically rounds (L + r)/2
'Choose an element of (aproximately) the middle of sorting column
If bAscending Then
While (i <= j)
While (SortArray(i, Col) < x And i < r)
i = i + 1
While (x < SortArray(j, Col) And j > l)
j = j - 1
If (i <= j) Then
For k = LBound(SortArray, 2) To UBound(SortArray, 2)
Y = SortArray(i, k)
SortArray(i, k) = SortArray(j, k)
SortArray(j, k) = Y
Next k
i = i + 1: j = j - 1
End If
While (i <= j)
While (SortArray(i, Col) > x And i < r)
i = i + 1
While (x > SortArray(j, Col) And j > l)
j = j - 1
If (i <= j) Then
For k = LBound(SortArray, 2) To UBound(SortArray, 2)
Y = SortArray(i, k)
SortArray(i, k) = SortArray(j, k)
SortArray(j, k) = Y
Next k
i = i + 1: j = j - 1
End If
End If
If (l < j) Then Call QuickSort2D(SortArray, Col, l, j, bAscending)
If (i < r) Then Call QuickSort2D(SortArray, Col, i, r, bAscending)
End Sub
Try calling it (in Excel) according to the next testing Sub:
Dim arr, arr1
arr = Range("D2:F7").Value2
arr1 = arr
Debug.Print arr1(3.4, 1): 'Stop
QuickSort2D arr, 1
End Sub
It is really extremely fast!
Build the array and call the function using only its first two parameters (he second is the column to sort on it) and the last one to sort Ascending or Descending.
Being standard VBA (arrays) it should work in SolidWorks, too, I think.
Please, send some feedback after testing it.