We're trying to visualize an IFC model with forge that contains a lot of invisible elements.
One problem we're facing is that the elements that is invisible does not fall under the normal category of hidden elements. E.g. model.setAllVisibility(true)
does not make them appear. Also, model.visibilityManager.hiddenNodes
is empty and model.visibilityManager.setVisibilityOnNode(dbId, true)
does nothing to make them appear.
What seems to be the case with these elements is that their material.opacity
is 0.
We tried setting the opacity to 1, and also tried using a different material, with no luck.
The only thing we have managed to do so far is to highlight the element's corresponding fragment:
model.setHighlighted(fragId, true)
however, this does not really cut it (unless it's possible to highlight many elements, and make them transparent?).
It's also worth mentioning that:
IFC typeviewer.setDisplayEdges(true)
makes it possible to see the wireframe of the invisible elementsSo, my questions:
The viewer doesn't provide any solution for this out-of-the-box but it should be quite straightforward by putting together some of the viewer's features:
To check the opacity of all objects, you can just get the list of all fragments, and check the opacity of each material:
const frags = viewer.model.getFragmentList();
for (let i = 0; i < frags.getCount(); i++) {
const mat = frags.getMaterial(i);
And then, when you find materials you would like to change, you can do that, too. Here's some resources that might help: