Setting ACR for hosting helm chart but getting some strange behavior.
- ACR added as repo locally, authenticated etc.
- Tried adding the helm repo both with the helm repo add and az acr helm repo add command
- Using ACR admin user for authentication.
- Using Windows
- Tried helm v3.10.1 and v3.10.2
Scenario #1:
- pushing a helm chart with az acr helm push --name someacr .\someapi1-0.1.3.tgz
- I can see the chart in the portal
- Issuing helm repo update --debug (no errors)
- When issuing helm search repo -l, there's nothing
- Trying helm pull, also results in no chart
Scenario #2
- pushing helm chart with az acr helm push --name someacr .\someapi1-0.1.3.tgz
- I do not see the chart in the portal
- Issuing helm repo update --debug (no errors)
- When issuing helm search repo -l, I do see the chart
- Trying helm pull, also results in downloading the chart
2 questions:
- Can anyone explain when pushing with helm, I cannot see or pull the charts in the local repo? Essentially not use acr with native helm
- When using the az acr helm wrapper, why can I not see the charts in the portal? Updating the local helm repo works and I can pull the charts down as expected - why?
I've seen a similar post, but no solution.
Helm 3 search shows no result from ACR
When using helm (and not az acr which is deprecated), you need to specify OCI by specifying the full OCI url. Note OCI is enabled by default from v3.8+
helm push .\someapi1-0.1.4.tgz oci://
helm pull oci:// --version 0.1.4
I can now push to the registry, see the charts in the Azure portal and pull them down again. One caveat with OCI seems to be that the local repo is not updated and you cannot use helm search either.