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new array with two objects with values from two objects with same key javascript

been trying for a while something i want to do:

i have two different objects with same keyName and different values, i need to create a new array that will contain a new object with two entries, the values from the two objects with same key.

enter code here
OBJ1{ keyNAME : 'lalala', toto: 'bbbb', tata: 'blablabla' }

OBJ2{ keyNAME : 18, toto: 7, tata: null }

// here something that i imagine could look similar to:
let newObjectKeys =  ['title', 'value' ] 
function createMyNewArray()=> {

     let newArray = []
     Use somehow OBJ1 and OBJ2, check the keys and create new array using 
     i think it might use Object.keys method but all i have tried i don't get to the 
     result i need so i'm defo missing something 

return newArray; 

console.log("new Array", newArray)


const newArray =[
     string: "lalala",
     value: 18
     string: 'bbbb', 
     value: 7, 
     string: 'blablabla'
     value: null

and so then i can use it on my front side like this:

{> return(
p {item.string}
p {item.value}


thank you


  • OBJ1 = { key: 'lalala', toto: 'bbbb', tata: 'blablabla' }
    OBJ2 = { key: 18, toto: 7, tata: null }
    const createArray = (obj1, obj2) =>
      Object.keys(obj1).map(key => ({
        string: obj1[key],
        value: obj2[key]
    console.log(createArray(OBJ1, OBJ2))

    Is this what you seek to do? Since you know for sure that both your objects are built with the same properties, we can create an array with the properties only - with Object.keys(). Then, we can traverse the array with the "map" method of Array to swap each key for the desired object by picking each corresponding value from each object.