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AWS SAM build failing NpmExecutionError code 255

After long hours searching for answers, I give up and ask for help, hopefully someone will also benefit from this.

Here is the problem, I have a project which uses AWS SAM. When i run sam build it fails with NpmExecutionError and a status code 255. Here is where i first searched for

Stackoverflow sam build fail github sam build fail github (2) sam build fail

I tried with sam build --debug and sam build -u --debug, the latter gave me the error that esbuild is missing, but the former didn't gave me any error aside NPM Failed:

I tried to install esbuild globally with npm, then with brew, then on the project in dependencies as well as devDependencies.

I tried to update everything I installed with brew.

I tried to uninstall and re-install aws cli and sam cli.

I tried to rm node_modules and install again

I tried to update npm

Here are some information about my setup npm => 9.1.1 node => v16.17.0 aws cli => aws-cli/2.8.12 Python/3.9.11 Darwin/22.1.0 exe/x86_64 prompt/off sam => SAM CLI, version 1.63.0 esbuild => 0.15.14

Here are the screenshot of the error log sam build -u --debug enter image description here

sam build --debug enter image description here enter image description here

PS: what is hidden are information about telemetry data such as session_id, request_id, etc...

A collegue of mine successfully build the exact same project with the exact same configuration which confuses me.

Also I have two folder, one that contains a template.yml with AWS::Serverless::Api (the one who fails, see screenshot) but I also have another folder with a template.yml with AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion which successfully build

Thanks to everyone who are willing to help me

EDIT: I tried using Hello world project from AWS SAM (typescript, zip) and the build even fail for this project

EDIT 2: I tried to comment the Metadata part containing esbuild config and the build success so I don't know why it fails with esbuild

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function # More info about Function Resource:
      CodeUri: hello-world/
      Handler: app.lambdaHandler
      Runtime: nodejs16.x
        - x86_64
          Type: Api # More info about API Event Source:
            Path: /hello
            Method: get
    # Metadata: # Manage esbuild properties
    #   BuildMethod: esbuild
    #   BuildProperties:
    #     Minify: true
    #     Target: "es2020"
    #     # Sourcemap: true # Enabling source maps will create the required NODE_OPTIONS environment variables on your lambda function during sam build
    #     EntryPoints: 
    #     - app.ts


  • To solve this problem, I removed Node from brew as I use the n package, then I installed the latest version of Node using n v18.12.1 and by doing this it updated my npm version to 8.19.2 which seemed to have solved the problem

    I also removed esbuild both from npm and brew package, then I reinstalled it thought npm -g install esbuild