I am trying to add a worklog via the jira api.I need only one more thing and that is how to add a Role to the worklog. I want the role to be "Developer"
My request is:
URL: https://{host}/rest/api/2/issue/{jiraticket}/worklog
Body: {
"comment": "Test",
"started": "2022-11-18T14:47:10.501+0000",
"timeSpent": "3h 15m",
Creating a worklog with this body works but I also need to add a role. Is there any way to add this?
For Jira worklog, your endpoint and request is totally correct.
However, the log screen that you mentioned belongs to Tempo Timesheets Plugin; so the "Role" attribute is also belong to that plugin.
For creating a Tempo worklog, you can use Tempo Timesheets Rest API for creating worklog.