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how to set the order of elements with attributes in XSD

is it possible to define the order of elements?

example I have the following XML file

   <action no="1" type="xyz"/>
   <action no="2" type="abc"/>
   <action no="3" type="ddd"/>

An XSD check should fail when

  • attribute no does not start at 1
  • the attributes are not ordered 1, 2, 3 ...
  • there are numbers missing like 1, 3, 4

Thats my current XSD

<complexType name="action">
    <attribute name="no" use="required">
            <restriction base="int">
                <minInclusive value="1"></minInclusive>
                <maxInclusive value="99"></maxInclusive>
                <whiteSpace value="collapse"></whiteSpace>
    <attribute name="type" type="string"></attribute>

<complexType name="input">
        <element name="action" type="tns:action"></element>


  • In XSD 1.1 you could use an assertion:

     <xs:element name="input">
            <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="action"/>
          <xs:assert id="sequence-of-no-values" test="every $i in 1 to count(action) satisfies $i eq action[$i]/@no"/>