I have below API data display it in Listview and try to search filter in Month Name(date)
"transGroup": 1,
"transType": 0,
"transGroup": 2,
"transType": 9,
"serviceTypeId": 78,
Search filter
void searchFilter(String enteredKeyword) {
List results = [];
if (enteredKeyword.isEmpty) {
results = myData;
} else {
results = myData
(user) => user["date"].toString().contains(
Textfield Widget
onChanged: (value) => searchFilter(value),
decoration: const InputDecoration(
border: OutlineInputBorder(),
List _foundUsers = [];
initState() {
_foundUsers = myData;
For your second issue, lets assume this is your list:
var myData = [
"transGroup": 1,
"transType": 0,
"serviceTypeId": 0,
"serviceDescription": "Opening Balance",
"financialYear": "2022/2023",
"july": 54818.34,
"august": 54818.34,
"september": 0,
"october": 0,
"november": 0,
"december": 0,
"january": 0,
"febuary": 0,
"march": 0,
"april": 0,
"may": 0,
"june": 0
"transGroup": 990,
"transType": 0,
"serviceTypeId": 0,
"serviceDescription": "Closing Balance",
"financialYear": "2022/2023",
"july": 54818.34,
"august": 54818.34,
"september": 0,
"october": 0,
"november": 0,
"december": 0,
"january": 0,
"febuary": 0,
"march": 0,
"april": 0,
"may": 0,
"june": 0
you need define this class model:
class BalanceModel {
final String date;
final double opening;
final double closing;
final double receipts;
required this.date,
required this.opening,
required this.closing,
required this.receipts,
static const List months = [
static List<BalanceModel> getData(List data) {
List<BalanceModel> result = [];
for (var month in months) {
double openValue = 0;
double closeValue = 0;
var year = '';
for (var e in data) {
if (e['serviceDescription'] == "Opening Balance") {
var rawYear = e['financialYear'] as String;
year = rawYear.substring(0, rawYear.lastIndexOf('/'));
openValue =
e[month] is int ? double.parse(e[month].toString()) : e[month];
} else if (e['serviceDescription'] == "Closing Balance") {
closeValue =
e[month] is int ? double.parse(e[month].toString()) : e[month];
date: "$month $year",
opening: openValue,
closing: closeValue,
receipts: closeValue - openValue));
return result;
you can pass your list to it like this:
var result = BalanceModel.getData(myData);
and then use the result
list in listview
and create your card widget base on it.