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How to access list items in django jinja template dynamically using variable indexing

Django jinja template error - TemplateSyntaxError

I was trying to create sample show users page where I am want to show username, password and role of the users. I will be storing role as numbers and later I am trying to get the role name from a list.

I have hard coded this role names to a list roles = ['admin', 'teacher', 'student'] this roles has been passed to html page as context value. Also, I am passing a num variable for accessing the list items(atm its value is also hard coded, I will be changing this in future)

def index(request):
   roles = ['admin', 'teacher', 'student']
   return render(request=request, template_name='show_all.html', context={'roles': roles, 'num': num})

and inside my html page I am trying to access this list using num variable as given below


but it is throwing an error

TemplateSyntaxError at /show_all
Could not parse the remainder: '[num]' from 'roles[num]'

there are few solutions that saying roles.0 will get you the first result and roles.1 will give next, But I don't want to hard-code the index there.



I have tried


nothing is giving me desired result.


  • Best approach:

    def roli(roles, i):
        """Return the rol[i]"""
        return roles[i]

    In Jinja:

    {{ roles|roli:i }}

    I would recomend you to read the documentation about tags: you need some extra steps to register the template tag.

    Other approach. A workaround could be the following:

    def index(request):
       roles = ['admin', 'teacher', 'student']
       return render(request=request, template_name='show_all.html', context={'roles': roles, 'num': num, 'rolesi': roles[num]})

    And then: show_all.html
