buffer=`awk -v desde="$DESDE" -v hasta="$HASTA" 'NR>=desde&&NR<=hasta' "$FICH"
The output of the command below is the next:
1:20220413:20:Curso Astrología:5:Vicente Ferrer
1:10042022:0:Donación instituto Samye:103:Propia
14:20220428:0:Candelario Yeshe Nyimpo Inc:9:Dudjom Tersar
1:20220512:60:Ayuda por el Hambre y Violencia:6:Vicente Ferrer
Total Lineas: 43 | Total Pag: 2 |Buffer: De 0 hasta 26 | 27
But i would like the next result:
1 1:20220413:20:Curso Astrología:5:Vicente Ferrer
2 1:10042022:0:Donación instituto Samye:103:Propia
3 14:20220428:0:Candelario Yeshe Nyimpo Inc:9:Dudjom Tersar
4 1:20220512:60:Ayuda por el Hambre y Violencia:6:Vicente Ferrer
Total Lineas: 43 | Total Pag: 2 |Buffer: De 0 hasta 26 | 27
Thank you in advanced
1st solution: With your shown samples please try following awk
code. I have improved your attempted code, also taken care in case line number crosses hasta
value it will simply exit from program to save some cycles and time.
awk -v desde="$DESDE" -v hasta="$HASTA" '
NR>hasta{ exit }
NR>=desde && NR<=hasta{
if(/^ Total/ || !NF){print; next }
if(NF){print ++count,$0}
' "$FICH"
2nd solution with your shown output run following on your shown output in case you want to do so:
awk '/^ Total/ || !NF{print;next} NF{print ++count,$0}' Input_file
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above code.
awk ' ##Starting awk program from here.
/^ Total/ || !NF{ ##Checking condition if line starts from space Total OR its NULL then.
print ##Print that line.
next ##next will skip all statements from here.
NF{ ##Checking condition if NF is NOT NULL for current line then:
print ++count,$0 ##Printing count value(increasing it with 1 before printing) followed by current line value.
' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file name here.