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Forward a variadic instance method call via a pointer to member function in C++

I'm working on a class representation utility that would work in a similar way to Java's Class class. That is, a mechanism that would emulate class reflection.

#include <map>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>

template<typename Class>
struct class_repr {

    std::map<std::string, uintptr_t> fields;
    std::map<std::string, void* (Class::*)(...)> methods;

    void declare_field(const std::string& name, void* pointer) {
        fields[name] = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(pointer);

    template<typename R, typename ...Params>
    void declare_instance_method(const std::string& name, R (Class::* pointer)(Params...)) {
        methods[name] = (void* (Class::*)(...)) pointer;

    template<typename Tp>
    Tp& get_field(void* object, const std::string& name) {
        if (fields.count(name) == 0) throw std::invalid_argument("Field " + name + " not declared in the class descriptor");
        return *reinterpret_cast<Tp*>(uintptr_t(object) +;

    template<typename R, typename ...Params>
    requires std::is_same_v<R, void>
    void invoke_instance_method(void* object, const std::string& name, Params&& ... params) {
        if (methods.count(name) == 0) throw std::invalid_argument("Method " + name + " not declared in the class descriptor");

    template<typename R, typename ...Params>
    requires (not std::is_same_v<R, void>)
    R invoke_instance_method(void* object, const std::string& name, Params&& ... params) {
        if (methods.count(name) == 0) throw std::invalid_argument("Method " + name + " not declared in the class descriptor");
        return *static_cast<R*>((reinterpret_cast<Class*>(object)->*<Params>(params)...));

And below is the class I'm testing it with:

#include <iostream>

class cat {

    std::string name, color;

    [[nodiscard]] const std::string& get_name() {
        return name;

    [[nodiscard]] const std::string& get_color() {
        return color;

    void say(std::string&& what) {
        std::cout << "[" << name << "]: " << what << std::endl;

    void meow() {

    void say_color() {
        say("my fur is " + color);


    cat(std::string name, std::string color) : name(std::move(name)), color(std::move(color)) {}

    static class_repr<cat> get_representation() {
        class_repr<cat> descriptor;
        descriptor.declare_field("name", &(static_cast<cat*>(nullptr)->name));
        descriptor.declare_field("color", &(static_cast<cat*>(nullptr)->color));
        descriptor.declare_instance_method("get_name", &cat::get_name);
        descriptor.declare_instance_method("get_color", &cat::get_color);
        descriptor.declare_instance_method("say", &cat::say);
        descriptor.declare_instance_method("meow", &cat::meow);
        descriptor.declare_instance_method("say_color", &cat::say_color);
        return descriptor;

This code works fine:

int main() {

    cat kitty("marble", "white");
    class_repr cat_class = cat::get_representation();

    cat_class.get_field<std::string>(&kitty, "name") = "skittle";
    cat_class.get_field<std::string>(&kitty, "color") = "gray";

    cat_class.invoke_instance_method<void>(&kitty, "meow");
    cat_class.invoke_instance_method<void>(&kitty, "say_color");
    std::cout << cat_class.invoke_instance_method<std::string>(&kitty, "get_name") << "'s color is indeed "
              << cat_class.invoke_instance_method<std::string>(&kitty, "get_color") << std::endl;

    return 0;

But when I try to call the say function, the code doesn't compile because non-primitive type objects cannot be passed through variadic method:

cat_class.invoke_instance_method<void, std::string&&>(&kitty, "say", "purr"); // error

Is there any way around making this work as intended (so that it calls an equivalent of kitty.say("purr"))?


  • You can create a class representing any member function using type erasure (modified from this SO answer). No void*, no C-stype ellipsis ....

    #include <memory>
    #include <any>
    #include <vector>
    #include <functional>
    class MemberFunction
        template <typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
        MemberFunction(R (C::* memfunptr)(Args...))
        : type_erased_function{
            std::make_shared<Function<R, C, Args...>>(memfunptr)
        template <typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
        R invoke(C* obj, Args&&... args){
            auto ret = type_erased_function->invoke(
            if constexpr (!std::is_void_v<R>){
                return std::any_cast<R>(ret);
        struct Concept {
            virtual ~Concept(){}
            virtual std::any invoke(std::any obj, std::vector<std::any> const& args) = 0;
        template <typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
        class Function : public Concept
            Function(R (C::* memfunptr)(Args...)) : func{memfunptr} {}
            std::any invoke(std::any obj, std::vector<std::any> const& args) override final
                return invoke_impl(
            template <size_t I>
            using Arg = std::tuple_element_t<I, std::tuple<Args...>>;
            template <size_t... I>
            std::any invoke_impl(std::any obj, std::vector<std::any> const& args, std::index_sequence<I...>)
                auto invoke = [&]{ 
                    return std::invoke(func, std::any_cast<C*>(obj), std::any_cast<std::remove_reference_t<Arg<I>>>(args[I])...); 
                if constexpr (std::is_void_v<R>){
                    return std::any();
                else {
                    return invoke();
            R (C::* func)(Args...);
        std::shared_ptr<Concept> type_erased_function;

    You store a std::map<std::string, MemberFunction> in your class_repr and change your declare_instance_method and invoke_instance_method like so:

    template<typename R, typename ...Params>
    void declare_instance_method(const std::string& name, R (Class::* pointer)(Params...)) {
        methods.insert({name, MemberFunction(pointer)});
    template<typename R, typename ...Params>
    requires std::is_same_v<R, void>
    void invoke_instance_method(Class* object, const std::string& name, Params&& ... params) {
        if (methods.count(name) == 0) throw std::invalid_argument("Method " + name + " not declared in the class descriptor");<void>(object, std::forward<Params>(params)...);
    template<typename R, typename ...Params>
    requires (not std::is_same_v<R, void>)
    R invoke_instance_method(Class* object, const std::string& name, Params&& ... params) {
        if (methods.count(name) == 0) throw std::invalid_argument("Method " + name + " not declared in the class descriptor");
        return<R>(object, std::forward<Params>(params)...);

    Live Demo

    Note that this is a prototype. To make this generally applicable you still need to invest quite a bit of work: You have to consider const member functions and const arguments, member functions mutating inputs or returning references etc. Also note, that std::any stores by value, so you might create some unnecessary copies of the function arguments.