I'm triying to pass a customize list of colors to my choropleth map with geopandas.explore, but i get the error:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'binning' referenced before assignment
if I specified a given list of colors ex: cmap= 'Blues', it displays with no problem
I copy the code below
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.colors
import folium
color_list= matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('custom', [ "#e1f2f2", "#A8DCDC", "#115F5F"])
ventas_map= data.explore(column='ventas', scheme='Quantiles', cmap= color_list, tiles= 'OpenStreetMap', k=5, legend_kwds={'caption': 'ventas[$]','colorbar': True ,'scale': False}, name= 'ventas')
Anyone know how to solve it?
I found the right way to do this, I defined the color list with the following function, and then use the name list I gave between 'color_list' in the cmap atribute in geopandas.explore function
def colors2cmap(*args, name=None):
"""Create a colormap from a list of given colors.
*args: Arbitrary number of colors (Named color, HEX or RGB).
name (str): Name with which the colormap is registered.
>>> colors2cmap('darkorange', 'white', 'darkgreen', name='test')
if len(args) < 2:
raise Exception("Give at least two colors.")
cmap_data = [matplotlib.colors.to_hex(c) for c in args]
cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name, cmap_data)
plt.register_cmap(name, cmap)
return cmap }
And called the function:
colors2cmap("#e1f2f2", "#A8DCDC", "#115F5F", name='color_list')