I have a list of Future, with each Future completing with a List of values OR with a failure. I am trying to combine these futures in a way that all available values are captured and errors are logged. This is my attempt:
val individualFutures: List[Future[Seq[Element]]] = ....
val allElements: Future[List[Element]] = Future.foldLeft(individualFutures)(List[Element]())((acc,
elements) => acc ++ elements)
Try(Await.result(allElements, Duration.Inf)) match {
case Success(elements) => ....
case Failure(error) => ....log
But I don't think this is right way to achieve my objective. I guess as soon as a future completes with an error, this would stop there.
How can I achieve same?
Maybe you could traverse the list and recover from throwables by returning an empty list and logging a failure reason? At the end you would flatten the whole sequence.
val allElements: Future[List[Element]] = Future.traverse(individualFutures) {
_.recover {
case throwable: Throwable =>