I have AKS with kubernetes version 1.23. I want to activate podsecurity on cluster level by setting it via AdmissionConfiguration as explained here:
As I have read, "PodSecurity feature gate" is enabled on kubernetes version 1.23 by default. I have created a yaml file based on the configuration that is shown on the link however when I apply it I get the following error:
$ k create -f podsecurity.yaml
error: unable to recognize "podsecurity.yaml": no matches for kind "AdmissionConfiguration" in version "apiserver.config.k8s.io/v1"
$ kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"23", GitVersion:"v1.23.5",
GitCommit:"c285e781331a3785a7f436042c65c5641ce8a9e9", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-03-16T15:58:47Z", GoVersion:"go1.17.8", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"windows/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"23", GitVersion:"v1.23.5",
GitCommit:"8211ae4d6757c3fedc53cd740d163ef65287276a", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-03-31T20:28:03Z", GoVersion:"go1.17.8", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
I googled a lot but couldn't find a solution for it or what it caused it.
I would apprecaite if someone can help.
I am able to activate it in namespace level like it is explained here: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/security/ns-level-pss/ by adding a label under namesapce however I want to activate it on cluster level and it doesn't work.
This is because the administration configuration is not a file to be applied inside the Kubernetes cluster.
It's a static file that must be given to the API-server.
If your Kubernetes cluster is managed by a clouder and you don't have access to the api-server directly you can use a pod security admission webhook in your cluster.
It's very simple to install and works very well.
This way you will be able to edit a configmap containing the cluster wide config.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: pod-security-webhook
namespace: pod-security-webhook
podsecurityconfiguration.yaml: |
apiVersion: pod-security.admission.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: PodSecurityConfiguration
enforce: "restricted"
enforce-version: "latest"
audit: "restricted"
audit-version: "latest"
warn: "restricted"
warn-version: "latest"
# Array of authenticated usernames to exempt.
usernames: []
# Array of runtime class names to exempt.
runtimeClasses: []
# Array of namespaces to exempt.
namespaces: ["kube-system","policy-test1"]
For more information I have found the EKS documentation pretty usefull : https://aws.github.io/aws-eks-best-practices/security/docs/pods/
You should also note that namespace labels will take precedence over the cluster wide config.