My tinymce editor was initialized on the fly:
wp.editor.initialize(jQuery(this).attr('id'), {
mode : "exact",
tinymce: {
wpautop: true,
plugins : 'charmap colorpicker hr lists paste tabfocus textcolor fullscreen wordpress wpautoresize wpeditimage wpemoji wpgallery wplink wptextpattern',
toolbar1: 'formatselect,bold,italic,bullist,numlist,blockquote,alignleft,aligncenter,alignright,link,wp_more,spellchecker,fullscreen,wp_adv,listbuttons',
toolbar2: 'styleselect,strikethrough,hr,forecolor,pastetext,removeformat,charmap,outdent,indent,undo,redo,wp_help',
textarea_rows : 20
quicktags: {buttons: 'strong,em,link,block,del,ins,img,ul,ol,li,code,more,close'},
mediaButtons: true,
all is well, except when I try to reach for the content:
tinymce.editors[ xxxx ].getContent();
so tinymce has two tabs, "visual" and "html" tabs. That line above returns the text typed into VISUAL tab, but if I change to HTML tab and modified the text, it still shows the VISUAL tab! How to work it out?
If you are using WordPress, the "HTML" tab is not actually using TinyMCE at all which is why trying to use a TinyMCE API to get the data is failing.
Toggling between the Visual and HTML tabs is loading/removing TinyMCE which is why your API call works in Visual mode (TinyMCE is loaded) but not in HTML (TinyMCE is not loaded).