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Is there any MultiLine JLabel option?

I want to display some text in JLabel at runtime. I just want to know that is there anyway through which the text is displayed on multiple lines. For example, I want my text to be displayed in following format:

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3

String  sText  = "Line1 \n Line2 \n Line3";
jLabel1.setText (sText);

I tried the above code but its not working. Am I doing some thing wrong or does JLabel not support said feature?

If I'm unable to achieve the above functionality, how can I add multiple labels (one for each line) in JPanel at runtime?


  • JLabel supports HTML. You can write:

    String  sText  = "<html>Line1 <br/> Line2 <br/> Line3</html>";
    jLabel1.setText (sText);

    Edit: I added back slashes with br tag in order to make code working