I'm wondering what the best approach is to run a application on multiple Linux servers. Using EC2 AWS linux on different zones. The web application is the same on each zone, using a different database for each application which is defined in a single config file. At the moment when I update the application I have to manually update every single server, which is very much work and a high risk for mistakes.
What service or approach could I use to easily update all applications on all servers to the latest version, with excluding some files, I was thinking about Github, but I'm not sure if this is the right thing to use in a production environment.
Also does AWS might have a solution for this?
Thank you, Roel.
What service or approach could I use to easily update all applications on all servers to the latest version, with excluding some files,
The AWS services designed for this sort of thing are AWS CodePipeline/CodeBuild/CodeDeploy. Your code could be stored in a Git repository in AWS CodeCommit, or GitHub.
I was thinking about Github, but I'm not sure if this is the right thing to use in a production environment.
If you mean GitHub Actions, there are plenty of people using that in production. If you have specific concerns about using that in production then include those concerns in your question.