I am looking for a way to add on delete cascade
to all foreign keys in my PostgreSQL database (preferably limitable to a schema). I have found a script here, but it doesn't seem to work for PostgreSQL. The solution doesn't have to use a script, a GUI tool would also be fine.
Thank you.
The recommended and supported way to do this is to add new constraints with the same definition and ON DELETE CASCADE
, then drop the original constraints.
If you are ready to risk breaking your database with a catalog modification, and you trust a random SQL statement from the internet, you could try
WITH tables(oid) AS (
UPDATE pg_constraint
SET confdeltype = 'c'
WHERE contype = 'f'
AND confdeltype <> 'c'
AND connamespace = 'myschema'::regnamespace
RETURNING confrelid
UPDATE pg_trigger
SET tgfoid = '"RI_FKey_cascade_del"()'::regprocedure
FROM tables
WHERE tables.oid = pg_trigger.tgrelid
AND tgtype = 9;
Test well before using!