I am trying to use tabulate in order to produce a nice table output. It works fine when using print, but when I update a Text-element with the exact same string, it's not vertically aligned.
I get this ugly result in PySimpleGUI:
Innskudd/uttak Beløp i kr
---------------- ----------
Innskudd 4000
Uttak 3000
Innskudd 10000
When I copy the textresult from PySimpleGUI and paste it somewhere else, it gives the result:
Innskudd/uttak Beløp i kr
---------------- ------------
Innskudd 4000
Uttak 3000
Innskudd 10000
Which is the result I want.
Here is MWE of my code:
import PySimpleGUI as sg
from tabulate import tabulate
def txt_out(txt):
def se_bevegelser():
headings = ["Innskudd/uttak", "Beløp i kr"]
data = [["Innskudd", 4000], ["Uttak", 3000], ["Innskudd", 10000]]
my_table = tabulate(data, headings)
txt_out(my_table) # Looks bad
print(my_table) # Looks correct
sg.set_options(font="Default 20")
layout = [[sg.Button("Se siste bevegelser", key='-btnSeBevegelser-')],
[sg.Text("",size=(40,5), key="-txtUt-")],
window = sg.Window("Min Minibank", layout)
while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event in (sg.WIN_CLOSED, "Avslutt"):
elif event == "-btnSeBevegelser-":
I've tried to figure out what the default font of python-output is, but I haven't figured that out. I've also tried the Multiline element instead of Text, but it made no difference.
Now I'm asking the professional community out here for help.
The answer, provided by Jason Yang, is to use a mono-space font, like ("Courier New", 20)
Hence I changed sg.set_options(font="Default 20")
sg.set_options(font=("Courier New", 20))