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Power BI Dataset can not find Firebird database

After a Firebird 3.0 update, our PowerBI Dataset can't find the Firebird database, although the ODBC Setup works just fine.

Power BI Service - Error Message

Firebird ODBC Setup

But the most bizarre part, I can create a new Dataflow-set with the exact same data source (same Gateway to ODBC Source) and it works! I've created a whole new Workspace and uploaded the Dataset/Report into it, the same error occurs.

Some Info:

  1. We've recently updated our Firebird database from 2.5 to 3.0
  2. Our connection worked just fine with 2.5

The ODBC-Source connects to a raw Firebird (main.FDP) database.

A direct connection to the live-Data is not possible, the ODBC-Setup throws an error (File database not found), so I copied the main.FDP into a different folder, that way the ODBC setup connects successfully.

On Power BI Desktop via Power Query Editor, I can see the actual live data, but if I "Close & Apply", the same error occurs (File Database not found) on the refreshing window.


  • @Mark Rotteveel, thanks for the Solution.

    The Solution was the pathing, i added "localhost:[...]" as prefix and it works.