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Pivoting the table and show column as rows

I have a table, I want to pivot the table, my desired output is @tab2.

My table is as follows:

declare @tab1 table(name varchar(50),mobile varchar(10),address varchar(100))
insert into @tab1 values('Test','2612354598','CG-10')
select * from @tab1

My desired output is:

declare @tab2 table(colname varchar(50),value varchar(100))
insert into @tab2 values('name','Test'),('mobile','2612354598'),('address','CG-10')
select * from @tab2

Please help


  • If using SQL server you can use UNPIVOT.

    SELECT colname, valueid
    (SELECT CAST(name as varchar(100)) name, CAST(mobile as varchar(100)) 
     mobile, address FROM @tab1) p  
     (valueid FOR colname IN   
      (name,mobile, address)  
     )AS unpvt;

    You need to CAST() the columns so the type is the same for all of them.