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Terraform Google cloud service account issue

I'm trying to create a GKE Cluster through Terraform. Facing an issue w.r.t service accounts. In our enterprise, service accounts to be used by Terraform are created in a project svc-accnts which resides in a folder named prod.

I'm trying to create the GKE cluster in a different folder which is Dev and the project name is apigw. Thro Terraform, when I use a service account with the necessary permissions reside in the project apigw, it works fine.

But when I try to use a service account with the same permissions where the service account resides in a different folder, getting this error

Error: googleapi: Error 403: Kubernetes Engine API has not been used in project 8075178406 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.

where 8075178406 is the project number of svc-accnts

Why does it try to enable the API in svc-accnts when the GKE cluster is created in apigw. Are service accounts not meant to used across folders?



  • Looks like this is a known issue and happens through gcloud cli as well.

    The workaround is to enable the Kubernetes Engine API on the project(svc-accnts) and it works fine. I was hesitant to do that as I thought this might create the resources in the project.