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into_shape after remove_index fails

I have an &[f64] with 309.760 elements. This dataset is an array of 7040 property sets. Each property set contains a pair of f64s and 14 triplets of f64.

I am only interested in the triplets.

I can read this dataset into an ndarray like this:

let array = Array::from_iter(data);
let mut propertysets = vector.into_shape(IxDyn(&[7040, 44])).unwrap();

and I can remove the first two f64 of each property set like this:

propertysets.remove_index(Axis(1), 0);
propertysets.remove_index(Axis(1), 0);
println!("{:?}", propertysets.shape()); // [7040, 42]

which looks promising. But now I want to reshape the array into [7040, 14, 3], which should work because 3 * 14 = 42, but:

let result = propertysets.into_shape(IxDyn(&[7040, 14, 3])).unwrap();

panics with this message:

thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: ShapeError/IncompatibleLayout: incompatible memory layout'

The documentation of remove_index says:

the elements are not deinitialized or dropped by this, just moved out of view

which probably explains why this fails. But how to do it right? Do I have to copy propertysets somehow into a new ndarray of the correct shape? But how?

Using Array::from_iter(propertysets.iter()) results in an ndarray of &f64 instead of f64.


  • For the into_shape operation to work arrays have to be c-contiguous or fortran-contigous in memory (see docs). After

    vector.into_shape(IxDyn(&[7040, 44])).unwrap();

    they are contiguous. But after

    propertysets.remove_index(Axis(1), 0); 

    they are not. Why? The whole array is not moved with remove_index. The elements are just moved out of view (see docs).

    How to solve this?

    1. reassemble using from_shape_vec
    2. use the new to_shape func. (not it the docs yet, but here is some info and lots of examples here)


    use ndarray::{Array, Order, ViewRepr};
    use ndarray::IxDyn;
    use ndarray::Axis;
    use ndarray::ArrayBase;
    use ndarray::CowRepr;
    use ndarray::Dim;
    use ndarray::OwnedRepr;
    fn into_shape_reassemble(data: Vec<f64>) -> Array<f64, IxDyn>
        let array = Array::from_iter(data);
        let mut result = array.into_shape(IxDyn(&[7040, 44])).unwrap();
        result.remove_index(Axis(1), 0);
        result.remove_index(Axis(1), 0);
        let result = Array::from_shape_vec((7040, 42), result.iter().cloned().collect()).unwrap();
        let result = result.into_shape(IxDyn(&[7040, 14, 3])).unwrap();
        println!("{:?}", result.shape());
    fn to_shape(data: Vec<f64>) -> ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<f64>, IxDyn>
        let array = Array::from_iter(data);
        let mut result = array.into_shape(IxDyn(&[7040, 44])).unwrap();
        result.remove_index(Axis(1), 0);
        result.remove_index(Axis(1), 0);
        let result = result.to_shape((7040, 14, 3)).unwrap().to_owned();
        println!("{:?}", result.shape());
    mod tests {
        fn test_into_shape() {
            let data = vec![0.; 7040 * 44];
        fn test_to_shape() {
            let data = vec![0.; 7040 * 44];


    [7040, 14, 3]
    [7040, 14, 3]