I have a unique requirement when mapping some elements using AutoMapper.
I am not finding any effective solution with built scenarios:
CreateMap<UserModel, UserDefinition>()
.ForMember(d => d.Id, o => o.Ignore())
.ForMember(d => d.UserName, o => o.MapFrom(s => s.Username))
.ForMember(d => d.Contacts, o =>
new List<UserContactDefinition>()
o.MapFrom(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.PhoneNumber) ?
new UserContactDefinition
Type = ContactType.Phone,
IsPrimary = true,
Label = s.PhoneType,
Value = s.PhoneNumber
}: null,
o.MapFrom(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.ContactEmail) ?
new UserContactDefinition
Type = ContactType.Email,
IsPrimary = true,
Label = s.EmailType,
Value = s.Email
}: null
This code is not working and I don't want to add empty elements if there is no value.
Any leads to this?
For your scenario, you need the Custom Value Resolver to map the destination member for the Contacts
custom value resolver.public class UserContactDefinitionListResolver : IValueResolver<UserModel, UserDefinition, List<UserContactDefinition>>
public List<UserContactDefinition> Resolve(UserModel src, UserDefinition dst, List<UserContactDefinition> dstMember, ResolutionContext ctx)
dstMember = new List<UserContactDefinition>();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(src.PhoneNumber))
dstMember.Add(new UserContactDefinition
Type = ContactType.Phone,
IsPrimary = true,
Label = src.PhoneType,
Value = src.PhoneNumber
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(src.ContactEmail))
dstMember.Add(new UserContactDefinition
Type = ContactType.Email,
IsPrimary = true,
Label = src.EmailType,
Value = src.ContactEmail
return dstMember;
to use the UserContactDefinitionListResolver
.CreateMap<UserModel, UserDefinition>()
.ForMember(d => d.Id, o => o.Ignore())
.ForMember(d => d.UserName, o => o.MapFrom(s => s.Username))
.ForMember(d => d.Contacts, o => o.MapFrom(new UserContactDefinitionListResolver()));