I am new to flask and I was trying to make GET request for url containing "?" symbol but it look like my program is just skipping work with it. I am working with flask-sql alchemy, flask and flask-restful. Some simplified look of my program looks like this:
fields_list = ['id']
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
class User(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
class Get(Resource):
def get():
users = User.query.all()
usr_list = Collection.user_to_json(users)
return {"Users": usr_list}, 200
class GetSorted(Resource):
def get(field, type):
if field not in fields_list or type not in ['acs', 'desc']:
return {'Error': 'Wrong field or sort type'}, 400
users = db.session.execute(f"SELECT * FROM USER ORDER BY {field} {type}")
usr_list = Collection.user_to_json(users)
return {"Users": usr_list}, 200
api.add_resource(GetSorted, '/api/customers?sort=<field>&sort_type=<type>')
api.add_resource(Get, '/api/customers')
Output with url "" looks like this
"Users": [
"Id": 1
"Id": 2
"Id": 3
But I expect it to look like this
"Users": [
"Id": 3
"Id": 2
"Id": 1
Somehow if I replace "?" with "/" in url everything worked fine, but I want it to work with "?"
In order to get the information after ?, you have to use request.args. This information is Query Parameters, which are part of the Query String: a section of the URL that contains key-value parameters.
If your route is:
api.add_resource(GetSorted, '/api/customers?sort=<field>&sort_type=<type>')
Your key-values would be:
And you could get the values of the field and type keys like this:
sort = request.args.get('field', 'field_defaul_value')
sort_type = request.args.get('type', 'type_defaul_value')
More info: