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How to connect sftp using mule requestor in mule 3.9

How to connect SFTP using mule requestor in mule 3.9? How to create a source path

Wanted to know hoe to connect to sftp using mule requester


  • You can to configure the resource attribute as the URL for an SFTP endpoint:

    <mulerequester:request resource="sftp://${USER_NAME}:${PASSWORD}@${SFTP_HOST}:${SFTP_PORT}/path/to/file" doc:name="Mule Requester"/>

    All values in the URL need to be URL encoded. This is usually only a problem for passwords that have special characters in it.

    Alternative you can define a global SFTP endpoint and reference it in the resource attribute by name.

    In Mule 4 the Mule Requester Module is not supported and not needed because most Mule 4 connectors provide equivalent operations to use inside flows in a supported way.