Consider the following data set that records the product sold, year, and revenue from that particular product in thousands of dollars. This data table (YEARLY_PRODUCT_REVENUE) is stored in SQL and has many more rows.
Year | Product | Revenue
2000 Table 100
2000 Chair 200
2000 Bed 150
2010 Table 120
2010 Chair 190
2010 Bed 390
Using SQL, for every year I would like to find the product that has the maximum revenue. That is, I would like my output to be the following:
Year | Product | Revenue
2000 Chair 200
2010 Bed 390
My attempt so far has been this:
SELECT year, product, MIN(revenue)
GROUP BY article, month;
But when I do this, I get multiple-year values for distinct products. For instance, I'm getting the output below which is an error. I'm not entirely sure what the error here is. Any help would be much appreciated!
Year | Product | Revenue
2000 Table 100
2000 Bed 150
2010 Table 120
2010 Chair 190
You don't mention the database so I'll assume it's PostgreSQL. You can do:
select distinct on (year) * from t order by year, revenue desc