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How to mock a service with spock in micronaut when testing a rabbit consumer?

I'm currently working with:

  • Micronaut 3.7.3
  • RabbitMQ 3.11.2
  • Spock
  • Groovy / Java 17

I'm implementing a rabbitmq consumer for a simple demo project following the guidelines from micronaut project (

I'm trying to mock a service that is a dependency of my rabbitmq consumer.

I've tried this approach that does not seem to work:

class SampleRequestConsumerSpec extends Specification {

    ExternalWorkflowProducer externalWorkflowProducer

    SampleRequestConsumer sampleRequestConsumer

    SimpleService simpleService

    SimpleService simpleService() {

    def "It receives a sampleRequest message in the simple.request queue"() {
        externalWorkflowProducer.send(new SampleRequest(message: "Request1"))


        1 * simpleService.handleSimpleRequest(_ as SampleRequest) >> { SampleRequest request ->
            assert request.message != null


I get this error when running the integration test:

Too few invocations for:

1 * simpleService.handleSimpleRequest(_ as SampleRequest) >> { SampleRequest request ->
            assert request.message != null
        }   (0 invocations)

Unmatched invocations (ordered by similarity):


See full source code on GitHub:

Also notice that when I'm not reading from the queue and directly calling the method sampleRequestConsumer.receive([message: "Request1"]) mocking for the simpleService is working :

Thanks in advance for your insight


Please use the branch test-with-mq. The branch test-without-mq's tests will succeed because it's not using rabbitMQ. This is an attempt to demonstrate that the issue lies in testing RabbitMQ consumers.


  • Moving the sleep() instruction to the when: block fixed the test.

    Indeed, what is behind the then: block is not executed after the externalWorkflowProducer.send(), it is executed before by Spock. This instruction:

    1 * simpleService.handleSimpleRequest(_ as SampleRequest)

    is creating an interaction in the scope of the feature method, and it is executed when the specification is configured.

    Adding a sleep() instruction there, is not leaving the spec time for the consumer to receive the message. You need to add the sleep() after the send(). This is when your test needs to let the consumer time to execute.

    Note: the closure itself:

     { SampleRequest request ->
                assert request.message != null

    would be executed afterwards, but only the closure. The sleep instruction was already executed when configuring the Spec. The Closure is not executed in this case, because the test finishes before the thread of the consumer can invoke the mock.

    In summary:

    This works:

        def "It receives a sampleRequest message in the simple.request queue"() {
            externalWorkflowProducer.send(new SampleRequest(message: "Request1"))
            1 * simpleService.handleSimpleRequest(_ as SampleRequest) >> { SampleRequest request ->
                assert request.message != null

    And this doesn't work:

        def "It receives a sampleRequest message in the simple.request queue"() {
            externalWorkflowProducer.send(new SampleRequest(message: "Request1"))
            1 * simpleService.handleSimpleRequest(_ as SampleRequest) >> { SampleRequest request ->
                assert request.message != null