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How I can align MenuItems in Menu to right?

In a menu bar, I want to get the two last buttons (here RUN and ADD) to the right instead of left

I tried to use HorizontalAlignment without success:

            <DockPanel HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"/>
    <MenuItem Header="FILE"/>
    <MenuItem Header="EDIT"/>
    <MenuItem Header="VIEW"/>
    <MenuItem Header="RUN" HorizontalAlignment="Right"/>
    <MenuItem Header="ADD" HorizontalAlignment="Right"/>


  • Your issue is in the

        <DockPanel HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"/>

    This is what describes the container your MenuItems will belong in. You need to use a panel here which allows you to horizontally align items to the right within it.

    You could try keeping it as a DockPanel:

    <DockPanel LastChildFill="False" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"> 

    And adding


    To the MenuItems you need to align right, and


    To the others. If this does not work, there are plenty of other panels you can use in place of the DockPanel in the ItemsPanelTemplate.