I want to delete all keys other than the FullAccess key that my Ledger seed phrase created.
When I check which keys are associated with my NEAR Ledger account, I see some like:
"access_key": {
"nonce": "aaaaaaaa",
"permission": {
"FunctionCall": {
"allowance": "0",
"method_names": [
"receiver_id": "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"
"public_key": "ed25519:cccccccccccccc"
(fake values above)
I tried:
NEAR_ENV=mainnet near delete-key bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb cccccccccccccc --useLedgerKey
Make sure to connect your Ledger and open NEAR app
Deleting key cccccccccccccc on bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.
Waiting for confirmation on Ledger...
An error occured
DisconnectedDeviceDuringOperation: Cannot write to hid device
at new CustomErrorClass
What should I have done instead?
Also, note that someone should fix "occured" to "occurred".
There may have been an issue with USB connectivity.
The command in this syntax:
NEAR_ENV=mainnet near delete-key bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb cccccccccccccc --useLedgerKey
did indeed work when the Ledger was plugged directly into my laptop (rather than into a USB switch connected to my laptop) and was logged in with its NEAR app open.
Oddly, it made me confirm the public key of its FullAccess key 3 times before then also (unsurprisingly) making me confirm the deletion of the cccccccccccccc key.
But it worked!
Now when I run NEAR_ENV=mainnet near keys bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
, I see just the FullAccess key, so I've achieved my goal.
(Note that in my question and in this answer, I've replaced real values with fake ones.)
Actually, when running NEAR_ENV=mainnet near send xxxxxxx yyyyy 1 --useLedgerKey
, even when plugged directly into my laptop, I got this error:
Waiting for confirmation on Ledger...
An error occured
at new TransportError ...
But then I ran it again, and it worked, although it again weirdly made me confirm the public key of its FullAccess key 3 times before then also (unsurprisingly) making me confirm the transfer. So I don't know what the root cause of either issue was, but trying multiple times seems to have been an effective enough workaround.