I am using Helidon DBClient transactions and have found myself in a situation where I end up with a list of Singles, List<Single<T>>
and want to perform the next task only after completing all of the singles.
I am looking for something of equivalent to CompletableFuture.allOf() but with Single.
I could map each of the single toCompletableFuture() and then do a CompletableFuture.allOf() on top, but is there a better way? Could someone point me in the right direction with this?
Why did I end up with a List<Single>?
I have a collection of POJOs which I turn into named insert .execute() all within an open transaction. Since I .stream() the original collection and perform inserts using the .map() operator, I end up with a List when I terminate the stream to collect a List. None of the inserts might have actually been executed. At this point, I want to wait until all of the Singles have been completed before I proceed to the next stage.
This is something I would naturally do with a CompletableFuture.allOf(), but I do not want to change the API dialect for just this and stick to Single/Multi.
, Single.flatMapSingle
, Multi.flatMap
will effectively inline the future represented by the publisher passed as argument.
You can convert a List<Single<T>>
to Single<List<T>>
like this:
List<Single<Integer>> listOfSingle = List.of(Single.just(1), Single.just(2));
Single<List<Integer>> singleOfList = Multi.just(listOfSingle)
Things can be tricky when you are dealing with Single<Void>
as Void cannot be instantiated and null
is not a valid value (i.e. Single.just(null)
throws a NullPointerException
// convert List<Single<Void>> to Single<List<Void>>
Single<List<Void>> listSingle =
Multi.just(List.of(Single.<Void>empty(), Single.<Void>empty()))
// convert Single<List<Void>> to Single<Void>
// Void cannot be instantiated, it needs to be casted from null
// BUT null is not a valid value...
Single<Void> single = listSingle.toOptionalSingle()
// convert Single<List<Void>> to Single<Optional<List<Void>>>
// then Use Optional.map to convert Optional<List<Void>> to Optional<Void>
.map(o -> o.map(i -> (Void) null))
// convert Single<Optional<Void>> to Single<Void>
// Make sure it works
single.forSingle(o -> System.out.println("ok"))