Using the theta method seen in the picture below
for theta in [0.1].
I'm trying to solve some ODE seen in the code
function [tnodes,y] = theta_method(f, t_interval, N, y0, theta)
global glob_h glob_yold glob_tnew glob_f glob_theta;
y= y0;
yold= y0(:); %initial conditions
t0 = t_interval(1);
tN = t_interval(2);
tnodes = linspace(t0, tN, N+1); %the nodes of the partition
glob_h = (tN- t0)/N; %mesh-size
glob_f = f;
for tnew = tnodes(2:end)
glob_tnew = tnew;
glob_yold = yold;
ynew = fsolve(@(x)F(x), yold);
y =[y; ynew.'];
yold = ynew;
function rhs = F(x)
global glob_h glob_yold glob_tnew glob_f glob_theta;
rhs = x - glob_h*glob_theta*feval(glob_f, glob_tnew, x)-glob_h*(1.0 - glob_theta)*feval(glob_f, t0, glob_yold) - glob_yold;
And the plot :
hold off
t_interval = [0 1];
y0 = 1;
theta = 0.5;
[t,y]=theta_method(@model_f, t_interval, N, y0, theta)
uexact = model_exact(t)
plot(t,y,'linewidth', 1, 'g*'); % plot approx vs t
hold on
plot(t,uexact,'linewidth', 1, 'r'); % plot exact solution vs t
legend('BE approx','exact solution')
title('Solution of y''=\lambda y')
function rhs = model_exact(t)
lambda = -1;
rhs = exp(lambda*t);
function rhs = model_f(t,y)
lambda = -1;
rhs = lambda*y;
the program says the the error is `
error: 't0' undefined near line 28, column 99
error: called from
theta_method>F at line 28 column 7
theta_method>@<anonymous> at line 18 column 21
fsolve at line 246 column 8
theta_method at line 18 column 8
a at line 6 column 6
but i can't understand why what is wrong. I have define t0 and i think there isn't any syntax error.
It would be simpler to avoid the need for global variables.
told = tnodes(1)
for tnew = tnodes(2:end)
fold = f(told,yold);
yhalf = yold+(1-theta)*h*fold;
F = @(x) yhalf+theta*h*f(tnew,x)-x;
ynew = fsolve(F, yold+h*fold);
y =[y; ynew.'];
told = tnew;
yold = ynew;
It would be advisable to scale the error tolerances of fsolve
with h
or h^2
See SIR model using fsolve and Euler 3BDF for a similar construction for a different implicit method. Another method with setting the options for the error tolerances, Matlab code for $y_{n+2} - y_n = h\left[(1/3)f_{n+2} + (4/3)f_{n+1} + (1/3)f_n\right]$