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SELECT-OPTIONS translation is not active when created via ADT

I created a program with following SELECT-OPTIONS using eclipse with ADT logon language EN.

DATA: hkont TYPE hkont,
      bukrs TYPE bukrs,
      gjahr TYPE bseg-gjahr.

SELECT-OPTIONS: s_bukrs FOR bukrs,
                s_hkont FOR hkont,
                s_gjahr FOR gjahr.

When maintaining the text elements and referencing the select-options with their DDIC Reference in English everything is looking fine.


Also in German everything looks ok in the selection text maintaining screen.


When starting the program the English Selection Screen looking fine but for German the selection texts are not displayed in German.





I would expect that the DDIC reference text in German is also displayed in the Selection Screen when running the program.

Did someone of you has experienced a similar issue and how do you solve it?

What I tried so far:

  • rename the select-options
  • copy into another program
  • remove the DDIC reference and translating it with goto -> translation and rechecking the DDIC reference


  • Problem was that I had to go into translations and save there one more time. enter image description here

    This will copy the translations from the dictionary.