I have this my PlantUML file
' avoid problems with angled crows feet
skinparam linetype ortho
skinparam class {
FontColor<<generated>> #0000FF
entity "User" as users
*id : uuid <<generated>>
*email : text <<unique>>
password : text
entity "DishType" as dish_type {
*id : uuid <<generated>>
*name : text <<unique>>
image : text
entity "Dish" as dish {
*id : uuid <<generated>>
*name : text <<unique>>
image : text
menu_price : float
solo_price : float
dish_type_id : uuid <<FK>>
entity "Ingredient" as ingredient {
*id : uuid <<generated>>
*name : text <<unique>>
available : bool
dish "Many" --- "One" dish_type
dish "Many" --- "Many" ingredient
So... I want that some fields like <<unique>>
or <<generated>>
, <<fk>>
must be red, or yellow, whatever the color. I search like skinparam class but it works only with entity all fields, not only one field.
Can you help please. Thanks you :)
I don't think it's possible with skinparam
since stereotypes don't apply to attributes. However, maybe the new stylesheets function will support something like this.
You could use a !function
like the result below. It's not perfect, but might suit your needs. You could also do the same for the <<unique>>
and other attributes.
!function $generated($a)
!return "<color:#0000ff>" + $a + " <<generated>></color>"
' avoid problems with angled crows feet
skinparam linetype ortho
entity "User" as users
*$generated("id : uuid")
*email : text <<unique>>
password : text
entity "DishType" as dish_type {
*$generated("id : uuid")
*name : text <<unique>>
image : text
entity "Dish" as dish {
*$generated("id : uuid")
*name : text <<unique>>
image : text
menu_price : float
solo_price : float
dish_type_id : uuid <<FK>>
entity "Ingredient" as ingredient {
*$generated("id : uuid")
*name : text <<unique>>
available : bool
dish "Many" --- "One" dish_type
dish "Many" --- "Many" ingredient